Wednesday, 3 July 2013

Work Them w/ Kiosque - THIS SATURDAY

Work Them returns this Saturday evening/Sunday morning, into the basement of a newly refurbished Soup Kitchen where the bar is longer, the sound is crisper and the urinals are still hidden behind a mysterious door.

Joining us will be mysterious local analogue merchant Kiosque, whose full length release lands soon on 100% Silk. You can find his exclusive Soundcloud mix right here below, featuring some his noted influences and his own material. It's a proper fun listen, and a free download.

Having seen his all gear set in action rehearsal, we can safely say this is going to be a bit of a trip, expertly flitting between irresistible jackin' and melancholy dub disco, with some blink and you'll miss them samples all along the way. You can take a gander at his gear below, via. of the moment snap app Vine (please feel free to follow our Vine if inclined.)

We'll be opening the doors at 11, so get down early. Not only might we fill up, but we've tonnes of brilliant records to play before Kiosque takes the stage after Midnight. After he's done, anything goes. With no current mix from ourselves (but an archive here, of course), find this month's Five Records You're Probably Likely To Hear Given The Circumstances below.

You can pick up an advance ticket from Skiddle for just £4. We'll keep your name on the door. We're nice like that, just make sure you're with us by 12. It's going to be a scorching Saturday. Nonetheless, deep necks at a minimum please. See you on the floor!

Facebook details.